Darwinism is Poison, and You’ve Probably Drunk Some
Beginning in 1859, the West shed what it once knew about the world and put in its place a thin, obscene fairy tale about how finch beaks proved that “evolution” made us, not God.

How Planned Parenthood Laid Out a Roadmap to Destroy Society in 1969
Our culture has been socially conditioned to accept Planned Parenthood’s population control proposals as if they were as American as apple pie.

How Churches Can Help Singles Find a Spouse
Churches are built for relationships. They should be the number one social filter for Christians.

The Inerrancy of Emotions
Feelings are the sacred book, the inspired text of the American popular religion, and our Christian faith has become syncretistic with this pagan superstition.

Why Christian Government Is Good
That nations will have gods and have religion is inescapable. Our nation, like all nations, will always be religious, and so will our government. All that is in question is (1) whether we will collectively identify the religion our government assumes, and (2) whether that religion is true.

Should Women Lead Men?
Thin complementarianism avoids the charge of outright disobedience to some of the most plain and obvious commands in Scripture. But by indicating that those commands (and the rest of the Bible) have no bearing on female leadership elsewhere in society, they set the commands themselves up as an arbitrary act of God.

Yes, Homosexual Desire is Sinful
A man’s sinful sexual desires towards men should not be repackaged or diverted; they should be confessed and repented of. They are dangerous to him and hostile towards God.

The White Privilege Mindset: Guilt With No Gospel
No mindset of irredeemable and imprecise moral guilt can legitimately deal with sin and reconcile sinners. Instead it will further wound and divide them.

Sophistry (and the Blade of Mockery)
Sophistry is the kiss of the enemy that desires your destruction, all while making you feel warm and fuzzy.

Some Primary Season Perspective
The spectacle of these big election seasons can draw a higher portion of our attention than they actually merit. Their allure is incommensurate to their impact on the people we are most responsible for.

Can You Spot the Propaganda?
We as Christians need to always remind ourselves that what we often hear is the voice of the world. It’s the voice of the enemy in the media, in politics, in culture and society. As the days go on, it becomes increasingly more difficult to discern what’s true and what isn’t.

How to Set Your House on Fire
The smoky smell on Dad isn’t the sweet smell of delightful tobacco from the pipe he just enjoyed, but the smell of relationships burning under his watch, a marriage ablaze, parenting scorched... because no one knows how to actually deal with sin, no one knows what the Bible actually says, nor do they want to actually follow it.

America’s Coy Assaults on Children
Because they are impressionable and weaker than adults, we have historically not sent children to fight our wars for us, to arrest our criminals for us, to sign up for credit cards or get married or elect their own medical treatment. Our society reflected our correct accounting for the vulnerable nature of children: We shielded them. But now that vulnerability is being made use of. It is being mined.

How the News is Still Making Us Dumb – and What We Can Do About It
I’ve been on a years long quest, through trial and error, of discovering better ways to keep in touch with what important things are happening in the world.

Schools are Churches
Schools influence the sentiments and consciences and the ongoing thinking of their students. Or, as one might justly call them: Their disciples.

Your Kids are Always Being Discipled
Our children will never have morally neutral classrooms, teachers, favorite stories, favorite songs, or best friends. All of these things catechize, disciple, craft the hearts of children. We must account for that reality as we delegate and manage the training and raising of the children He has knit together and then entrusted to us.

No Neutral Public Square
Each of us serves and worships our god, and each of us brings that god into our marriages, our jobs, our voting booths, our budgets, and every square inch of this blood-bought, God-owned world we walk on.

Porn is a Liar
Sex between a man and his wife is a wonderful gift that puts flesh and bone and pleasure and pregnancy and emotion to the reality of love.

Where the Evolutionary Story Leads
The evolutionary worldview’s delta is nihilistic, despairing, utilitarian. It reeks to high heaven of contempt for the human being, or at least other human beings.