Gendered Virtue Conference, 2024 Michael Clary: Building Blocks for First Gen PatriarchyJoe Rigney: Men and Women of CourageMichael Foster: Relationships Rightly OrderedPanel DiscussionToby Sumpter: The Glory of MenCurrent Reality Podcast Live: Gendered Virtue in ChildrenMatt McBee: The Trojan Horse of Gendered Self-LegislationLife Advice Panel Q&AShane Morris: What are Children For?Toby Sumpter: The Glory of Women Clear Speech for a Confused Age, 2023 Session 1: Chase DavisSession 4: Current Reality Podcast Live with Chase Davis and Josh DawsSession 7: Current Reality Podcast Live with Michael Foster and Aaron RennSession 2: Panel discussion with Matt Patrick, Michael Foster, Michael Clary, Chase Davis, and Josh DawsSession 5: Aaron Renn (plus panel discussion)Session 8: Chase Davis (#2)Session 3: Josh DawsSession 6: Michael FosterSession 9: Michael Clary